Đặt câu với từ "motility|motilities"

1. It's called Pseudo Obstruction Motility Disorder.

2. I can't believe my sperm have low motility.

3. They possess a single, polar flagellum used for motility.

4. The innervation and motility of the antrum remain intact.

5. Motility was recorded during infusion of each set of effluents.

6. Saprospira sp., Chaetoceros ceratosporum, gliding motility, algicidal activity, microtubule-like structure.

7. the chirurgical orbital decompression as no effect on ocular motility; the section of the antagonist muscle restore the ocular motility; EMG of agonist and antagonist muscles are normal.

8. Borborygmus can result from excessive intestinal gas or altered gastrointestinal motility

9. Unlike flagellar motility, Amoeboid movement is most common in eukaryotic cells

10. Testing for motility can be more definitive when using the agar.

11. Therefore their motility index was zero before and after the meal.

12. Morphine and its derivatives with μ agonist affinities, affect gastrointestinal and colonic motility.

13. Individuals with past history of gastric surgery or an altered function of gastric motility, wherein there is significant loss of peristaltic motility, are more prone to develop Bezoars [4].

14. Conclusion Patients with CIC have abnormalities both in anorectal motility and psychical factors.

15. Centrioles play fundamental roles across eukaryotes, notably in cell signaling, motility and division

16. From isolated colonies, inoculate motility test medium, AGS, triple sugar iron agar slant (TSI).

17. The exam consists of visual acuity, pupils, confrontational fields, motility, Adnexae, and slip lamp exam

18. Conclusion: Certain parallel relationship existed between level of SP in antrum and gastric motility.

19. Cathartics and laxatives increase the motility of the intestine or increase the bulk of feces

20. Most probably opioids have no effect on platelet aggregation neither do they accelerate bowel motility.

21. Each cell line has Actin and Myosin which can be applied e.g. in Motility Assays.

22. Metastatic carcinoma cells exhibit at least two different phenotypes of motility and invasion - Amoeboid and mesenchymal

23. This syndrome is characterised clinically by abnormalities of gastrointestinal and, in some cases, bladder motility.

24. This inhibition was reversible and motility returned to previous levels after the infusion was stopped.

25. Calculations of frequency and wave velocity of motility could be derived directly from the screen.

26. 6 In the children with colonic contractions, fasting motility did not differentiate children with and without constipation.

27. Ameboid cell (1) A nonspecific term for any cell capable of intrinsic motility—e.g., leukocytes or macrophages

28. The characteristic motility deficits are picked up by measuring the strabismic angles at different directions of gaze.

29. Vitamin C Ameliorates the THC-induced reduction in spermatozoa motility in-vitro by modulation of their kinematics

30. Young sportswoman , in the amenorrhoea that appears in sports match or nervous training course, call " motility amenorrhoea " .

31. In addition, the two subunits appear to contribute equivalent, but functionally separate, roles to flagellar motility.

32. There has recently been a revival of interest in changes in colonic motility in ulcerative colitis.

33. It may well be the reason why this motility pattern has previously attracted so little attention.

34. The one - time ejaculate volume of Poll Dorset ram , sperm density and motility rate increased by 0.

35. In a patient restricted in his motility because of myositis, a nerve lesion may arise from pressure paralysis.

36. The motility is followed by registration of the electromyogram, the intraluminal pressure, and by extraluminal strain gauge transducers.

37. Aside from functions in protruding and contrActing cell membranes for motility, differentiation or cell division, the Actin cytosk …

38. The difference in motility indices for the total period and the postprandial period did not reach statistical significance.

39. The invention also discloses that D3R agonists and antagonists can be used to treat gastrointestinal motility disorders.

40. Non-deglutitive motor activity of the oesophagus is usually considered to be a sign of disordered motility.

41. The effect of octreotide on gall bladder motility may not be crucial in the formation of gall stones.

42. Nonmuscle β- and γ-Actin, also known as cytoplasmic Actin, are ubiquitously expressed, controlling cell structure and motility (1)

43. Primary motility disorders of the esophagus are achalasia, diffuse esophageal spasm, nutcracker esophagus, and the hypertonic lower esophageal sphincter.

44. Nonmuscle β- and γ-Actin, also known as cytoplasmic Actin, are ubiquitously expressed, controlling cell structure and motility (1).

45. The management of acute manifestations of enteric radiation injury includes diet modification and drugs that affect intestinal motility.

46. Physiopathological criteria for decision are the effects on acid reduction, motility, intestinal acid exposure and entero-gastric reflux.

47. Objective To investigate the changes of anorectal motility and psychical factors in patients with chronic idiopathic constipation (CIC).

48. This assessment requires testing of visual acuity, visual field, mesopic vision and glare, motility, binocular vision and colour vision.

49. Both single large doses and fractionated doses of radiation have been shown to alter small intestinal motility in animals.

50. BACKGROUND: Achalasia is an uncommon motility disorder of the esophagus with an uncertain etiology that can go undiagnosed for years.

51. Most individuals experience the urge to defecate on morning awakening and after meals, when colonic motility is known to peak.

52. Esophageal motility abnormalities were more frequent in Acromegalies (Nutcracker esophagus 40%, non-specific esophageal motor disorders 8%) than in control group (non-specific esophageal motor disorders 13%).Conclusions: This stndy shows differences in esophageal motility between acromegalic and normal subjects and can contribue to clarify the

53. The cells showed intact structures and amoeboid motility under the light-microscope as well as under the phase-contrast-microscope.

54. The variety of animal cell motility types can be reduced to three principles: ciliary and ameboid movements and muscle contraction.

55. It remains to be established whether in diabetic patients gall bladder motility is dependent on actual serum glucose concentrations.

56. Normal motility of the small intestine in the fasting state is characterised by the cyclical appearance of the migrating motor complex.

57. Actins contribute to cell shape, cell motility and to some internal cell functions. Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M

58. 20 Twenty two had severe lifelong constipation and eight had symptoms suggesting a motility disorder exclusively of the upper gastrointestinal tract.

59. This Cuticle protects the animal from the environment, maintains body shape, and permits motility by acting as an external skeleton

60. Antidiarrheals: n.pl drugs that combat diarrhea by decreasing gastrointestinal motility; may cause sedation of the central nervous system and xerostomia.

61. Light-responsive regulation of Ciliary motility is known to be conducted through modulation of dyneins, but the mechanism is not fully understood

62. Oral aspirin is difficult if the patient is nauseated and vomiting and the opiate given to relieve pain may delay gastric motility.

63. The beta and gamma Actins coexist in most cell types as components of the cytoskeleton and as mediators of internal cell motility.

64. 14 Oral aspirin is difficult if the patient is nauseated and vomiting and the opiate given to relieve pain may delay gastric motility.

65. Before also can moving half hours of banana taking a root, or drink cup sacchariferous beverage to be able to prevent motility hypoglycemia effectively.

66. Her hands showed indurated edema with acrocyanosis and severe reduction in motility, while her face was red, edematous and revealed numerous small angiomas.

67. However, recent clinical studies demonstrated that intravenous perioperative administration of lidocaine can lead to better postoperative analgesia, reduced opioid consumption and improved intestinal motility.

68. The thin-filament proteins caidesmon and calponin are known to inhibit actomyosin ATPase in vitro and actin sliding velocity in the in vitro motility assay.

69. Aphoristically dense, the song's motility--simultaneously imparting sweetness and harshness--suggests the semiotic instability of "freedom from worry" encapsulated by the words

70. Adam L Campbell, Hung-Ping Shih, Jun Xu, Michael K Gross, Chrissa Kioussi 2012, 'Regulation of motility of myogenic cells in filling limb muscle Anlagen …

71. Actin exists in both monomeric (G-Actin) and polymeric (F-Actin) forms, both forms playing key functions, such as cell motility and contraction (PubMed:29581253)

72. Phosphatidyl choline is also commonly known as lecithin and phosphatidyl ethanolamine, phosphatidyl serine and phosphatidyl inositol as Cephalins. Viability and motility of spermatozoa depends on the …

73. Patients may further present with lid swelling, impaired ocular motility and optic neuropathy including a relative afferent pupillary defect, compressive optic disc edema or optic atrophy.

74. The 3-year old children follow a preparatory class, with musical initiation, diverse exercises in manual motility, rhythmic games, language, each in an environment facilitating the child’s socialisation.

75. A theoretical advantage of this procedure is the linking of the motility of the duodenum with that of the interposed segment with improved synchronization of the aboral nutrient passage.

76. Physical and nutrient stimuli differentially modulate gut motility patterns, gut transit rate, and transcriptome in an Agastric fish, the ballan wrasse February 2021 PLoS ONE 16(2):e0247076

77. 29 Objective:To explore the effect of Total Glucosides of Paeony (TGP) on colon smooth muscle of Guinea pig and the regulative function of M receptor on colon motility in vitro.

78. On examination in the phase contrast microscope these isolated cells showed amoeboid motility and well preserved structures after several hours although some metabolic factors of these cells were reduced.

79. ‘The Cathartic dose of sorbitol is 20 to 50 grams.’ ‘The third type of intervention is administration of Cathartic agents to increase gastrointestinal motility and hasten the expulsion of the toxin.’

80. MSB secures place on Abduction panel DRS is a congenital, incomitant ocular motility disorder characterized by abnormal function of the lateral rectus muscle in the affected eye, together with retraction of the